Day 226 of Journaling

Gotta be honest here – I feel like I fell off the bandwagon for abit and started questioning everything in terms of how well this helps me. I have been struggling a bit recently with some complicated feelings and emotions, so now I want to start going back and honoring myself again. And to begin from a place of gratitude. Little by little, I trust in the universe that I am on my way. This is a path for me to take and undergo and I will come out on the other side of it, more aligned and honest to myself than ever.

  1. My daily affirmation: I embrace the unknown, for that is the birthplace of all possibility. I am at peace with all that I cannot control. I am at peace with my authentic and honest self. I am true to the standards I have and what I want and even if it is hard, I will let go of whatever that is not made for me in this moment and move towards whatever that is. I will not accept mistreatment and lies. I am committed to the practise of loving myself on every level.
  2. Today I will focus on shifting my pattern of allowing myself to simply spiral in tough times. Instead I sit in the feeling, allowing myself to let it pass while observing it and trying to learn and understand it. Pushing myself to do things that will help my nervous system.
  3. I am grateful for having friends that truly love me and are there for me in the hard times. For allowing me to feel like when I fall, they will be there to catch me. For letting me have space to deal with the difficult times while also listening to me when I need it. For having a job that allows me to change my environment anytime I need to. For having positive people around me, giving back my energy all the time. Knowing how powerful and how beautiful of a person I am.
  4. Three traits my future self will have are: Self-confidence in my body, mind and soul. Having an intuition so deep that allows me to always stay true to myself and pick choices that although might seem scary but at the end of the day is good for me. Courage to always keep moving forward in the best ways possible.
  5. The person I’m becoming will experience more: Alignment in the people that I meet and the experiences that I get to go through, with my standards and high vibrations and abundant outlook to life.
  6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I do just one thing for myself that retains me in my high vibrational mode. One that focuses me on my goals and how I want to live my life and show up for the people I care about.
  7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel invincible, and infinitely grateful to be living this life that is mine – one that is filled with happiness and love, and everything that I ever wanted as those things are already mine in the 5D. I just need to allow divine timing for it to come into my 3D.
Day 226 of Journaling

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