Day 165 of Journaling

1. My daily affirmation: I am my own, first. I love myself, first. I am a disciplined, powerful creator. I face my life with bravery. There is nothing in this world that can stop me from obtaining what is actually meant for me. I am getting myself to exactly where I am meant to be. I am attractive and magnetic!! I’m so lucky, everything works out for me!!

2. Today I will focus on living in my authenticity, staying present in the moments and not taking myself so seriously.

3. I am grateful for the abundance, love and support that I have received so far from the universe, from my friends, family, work mates, potential lovers, and even strangers on the street. For all the opportunities and alignment with the universe that I have received. For all the health and wealth I have that simply falls into my lap. For being here in bangkok living the life I want. To be living this life that I have always dreamed of!!

4. Three traits my future self will have are: self-confidence in my mind, body and soul. Speaking up in my authenticity, and experiencing life and people exactly where they are at.

5. The person I’m becoming will experience more love, abundance, health, wealth, and opportunities that are in alignment with my values and what I need and want.

6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I step up and speak up in my authenticity, I stay present in the moments, and live life as it comes!!

7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel authentic, living out my best life, and incredibly thankful and amazed for this life that I have that is mine!!

Day 165 of Journaling

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