Day 71 of Journaling

1. My daily affirmation: When I lead with intentions it will always come through and bring me to exactly where I want and need to be. I am on a journey and even when I’m on my way I am worthy of love, beauty, and absolute abundance. There is enough sunshine for everyone.

2. Today I will focus on shifting my pattern of being easily distracted. To constantly push myself to remember my goals, my values, what’s important to me. To create a safe space for the people around me.

3. I am grateful for endless abundance, a safe and challenging space for me to grow, people around me who provides me endless support and believes in me. For the light in me that enables me to share it with the people around me. For all the love and abundance from all my relationships with the people I care about and love, from all the people at work, from every stranger I ever encounter.

4. Three traits my future self will have are: Self-confidence, empathy, a kind of smartness that is undeniable and directly proportionate to my own values and goals.

5. The person I’m becoming will experience more: endless happiness and abundance, confidence from deep within, kindness from my environment, and a generous abundant amount of money that just keeps coming.

6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I push myself to be present in the moments that I am in. When I am speaking to someone, I listen. When I am doing my work, I am focused. I constantly remind myself that I am beautiful, smart, confident and capable of anything as long as I put my mind to it.

7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel a happiness so extremely deep within me, a confidence that flows through my body and my soul and my mind, as well as being able to carry the light in every single space I choose to occupy.

Day 71 of Journaling

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