Day 216 of Journaling

1. My daily affirmation: I am loved. I am safe. I am valued. I never lack. All things that exit my life are always replaced by something more aligned. Things aren’t happening to me, they are happening FOR me. I acknowledge the lessons I’m learning and I embrace the journey and the evolution. I know my worth and I refuse to settle for anything less than what I truly deserve. Whatever I want is out there. In the right time, it will all come to me. I am right on time. I’m so lucky, everything works out for me 🥰

2. Today I will focus on shifting my pattern of not being present and lacking focus.

3. I am grateful for today. For having today and having this new day to try again and be better. To appreciate the journey that I am on is towards everything that is aligned for me. Im thankful for the love, abundance, and time that I have to navigate this space of learning about myself. For the experiences I have had and the people I have met. For learning about new feelings.

4. Three traits my future self will have are: self-confidence in my body, mind and soul. Taking up space with no guilt. Courage in being authentic and asking for exactly what I want.

5. The person I’m becoming will experience more: alignment in my experiences and people I meet with who I am, people who love me authentically.

6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I show up and am clear of who I am and what I want. Stay focused on my present and space I occupy.

7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel excited, thankful, and curious as to what else life has in store for me!!

Day 216 of Journaling

Day 174 of Journaling

1. My daily affirmation: I take responsibility for my own happiness. I show up for myself daily. I love every part of me, unconditionally. I do not fear change, I rise to every new opportunity it provides. I continue to choose peace in every moment. The more I release, let go, and let flow, the more abundant and free I become. Every time I push myself out of my comfort zone I grow. I have patience in giving things the time it needs. I trust the universe that it is bringing me all that I need. I am so lucky, everything works out for me ❤️

2. Today I will focus on being my authentic self despite my surroundings. Showing up for myself consistently. Exploring freely and allowing myself space to explore.

3. I am grateful for all the opportunities, love and abundance that has landed in my lap without me having to chase for it. For knowing the universe is bringing me closer to everything meant for me. For all the love and support from my friends, family, potential lovers, work mates, and even strangers I meet along the way. For good health and wealth. For my dream body and face. For all the good experiences coming my way.

4. Three traits my future self will have are: Self-confidence in my body, mind and soul. Showing up for myself consistently. Knowing I am a work in progress and still fully loving myself.

5. The person I’m becoming will experience more love, abundance, and alignment of my experiences with my values and what I need.

6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I show up for myself without question.

7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel excited and incredibly blessed and thankful to be living this life that I call mine ❤️

Day 174 of Journaling

Day 172 of Journaling

1. My daily affirmation: I haven’t missed out on anything meant for me. I release, let go, and let flow. With patience and perseverance, I can achieve anything I set my heart on. I am open to receiving all of what life offers me, even beyond what my ego desires. I know who I am and I know my value. Anything and anyone that doesn’t align with them has to exit. I am so lucky, everything goes my way ❤️

2. Today I will focus on staying present, focus less on what people think of me and more on what I think of me. If I want to have fun, I will do it.

3. I am grateful for all the opportunities, people, love and abundance I have met and received in this life of mine. For good health and amazing abundant wealth. For all the love I have received from friends, family, potential lovers, work mates, and even strangers on the street. For all the connections I have made along the way of my journey. For having people I love around me, living this amazing life with me.

4. Three traits my future self will have are: Self-confidence in my body, mind and soul. Courage to be my full authentic self. Saying how I feel to the important people in my life.

5. The person I’m becoming will experience more alignment of experiences and connections with my values and what I need to be a better person who is living my best life.

6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I live and bask in my authenticity.

7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel excited and incredibly thankful to be living this exact life that is mine ❤️

Day 172 of Journaling

Day 164 of Journaling

1. My daily affirmation: I am strong, beautiful, and I brighten every single room I walk in to. I can love myself through the days of being a work in progress. I align myself with that is good for me and let go of the rest. I am present in all the moments of my days. I push myself out of my comfort zone. I’m so lucky, everything works out for me ❤️

2. Today I will focus on being present, speaking up with courage, and being comfortable in my own skin, learning to learn every single part of myself fully.

3. I am grateful for the love, abundance and support I have from my friends, family, potential lovers, work mates, and even strangers on the street. I am thankful for health and wealth that I have easily, for the best opportunities falling into my lap, for this life that I am living in. For whatever that’s to come and more!!

4. Three traits my future self will have are: self-confidence in my mind, body and soul. Courage to speak up. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone!!

5. The person I’m becoming will experience more abundance, love, new opportunities and experiences, breakthroughs, alignment of my life with my values, meeting more people aligned to my life.

6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I stay present, and push myself out of my comfort zone.

7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel so incredibly thankful to be living this life that is mine ❤️

Day 164 of Journaling

Day 163 of Journaling

1. My daily affirmation: I am thrilled to be me. I am prepared to experience how good it gets this week. Something more significant than I can imagine is making its way to me. I trust it. I see it. I deserve it. No matter how turbulent things feel, everything is aligning perfectly. I am human first and a powerful one at that. The love that I have for myself is limitless. Every part of me deserves to be loved, appreciated, and nurtured. I am so lucky, everything works out for me!!

2. Today I will focus on staying present, being my authentic self, appreciating the day as it comes to me.

3. I am grateful for all the love and abundance I have received from the universe, from friends, family, potential lovers, work mates, and even strangers on the street. I am thankful to be surrounded by so much love!!! For the good health and wealth that I have ready for me. For all the opportunities that simply falls into my lap. To be living this incredible life of my dreams!!

4. Three traits my future self will have are: self-confidence in my mind, body and soul. Honesty in how I live my life. Courage to live as authentically as possible and to keep pushing past my fears.

5. The person I’m becoming will experience more happiness, love and abundance and opportunities in alignment with my heart and values!

6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I push through fears, get out of my own head, and find moments to live authentically and present in.

7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel excited for whats to come, and to be living this incredible life of mine. I’m so thankful for everything and the universe!!!

Day 163 of Journaling

Day 158 of Journaling

1. My daily affirmation: With every thought and action, I am attracting more love, more financial freedom, more happiness, more mindfulness, more healthy relationships, more peace, more better experiences, my version of success, more opportunities that are aligned with my values and how I want to live my life, more amazing, giving, potential lovers, more of what I need and want in my life. I’m so lucky, everything works out for me!

2. Today I will focus on basking in my authenticity, being present, staying focused.

3. I am grateful for all the love and support I have received from my friends, family, potential lovers, work mates, and even strangers on the street. I am so thankful for this life that I have and to be basking in what is best for me and my authenticity. I am thankful for the strength in my mind and confidence in my body, mind and soul. I’m so thankful for this life that I am living everyday.

4. Three traits my future self will have are: self-confidence in all that I am, gratefulness for all the love I am surrounded by, owning every single room I enter naturally.

5. The person I’m becoming will experience more abundance and love and alignment of my life with my values. Happiness naturally awaits me!

6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I bask in my own authenticity and speak up with courage!!

7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel thankful for this amazing life that is mine!!! I can’t wait for what’s to come!! ❤️

Day 158 of Journaling

Day 136 of Journaling

1. My daily affirmation: I am enough, I am strong. I am courageous, and I speak up. I am confident in my body, mind and soul. It is natural for me to be loved by everyone I meet. My energy is positive and infectious. I am a light in every single space I occupy. I spread love everywhere I go!! I am so lucky and everything works out for me!!

2. Today I will focus on being present in whatever space I occupy, in being confident in my body, mind and soul. I listen with intentions and I move with ease.

3. I am grateful for the head space that I am in, for all the people in my life, for all the consistent support I receive from the people around me, for love to be present in all the spaces I choose to occupy. For a work place filled with people who love me and find my energy infectious. For having the time and space to simply have fun, for me to be courageous enough to be my true authentic self. For a healthy body and strong mind.

4. Three traits my future self will have are: courageous in speaking up, confidence in my own mind, body and soul, being in my dark fem energy and being magnetic and powerful.

5. The person I’m becoming will experience more love, friendship and love from people who are in alignment with my values, abundance in my life.

6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I stay present and be courageous in how I choose to show up authentically.

7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel excited for life, an abundance of wealth and love, and constant self growth daily!!!

Day 136 of Journaling

Day 114 of Journaling

1. My daily affirmation: I create a space for myself even when it is hard, and I don’t wait till I am seen to feel seen and create spaces for me to be seen. When I speak to people I do not place them on a pedestal. I hold my own space and have high regard for my own space and thoughts.

2. Today I will focus on being present, and holding space for myself rather than just listening. Recognising that I deserve to be heard. And owning it fully.

3. I am grateful for having a strong mindset and strong physical body to go through tired times and long hours. To hold myself strongly even when I am tired. For a supportive partner, friends, family, and work mates.

4. Three traits my future self will have are: Self-confidence, authenticity, courage.

5. The person I’m becoming will experience more happiness, alignment of my own life and values with my external space, respect for my work and what I create, bursts of happiness that makes me feel alive.

6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I show up even when I am tired. To be present in listening and speaking. To push through with courage even when I am tired.

7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel thankful to be living the life that I want. To be able to find a place of my own and to comfortably afford it easily. To be incredibly strong in my mindset even when I am tired.

Day 114 of Journaling

Day 111 of Journaling

1. My daily affirmation: I don’t wait for the world to see me clearly, I affirm myself and I celebrate my own wins and see and remember who I am. Even on days when I am struggle with perfection, I remember this is part of my process. I remember that progress is more important than perfection and I balance that with when I need to be perfect.

2. Today I will focus on progress over perfection. To try out things as I go and be willing to be comfortable with failing. To be present through it all and remember it does not reflect on my self-worth.

3. I am grateful for having a strong af mindset that grounds me in everything I do – in moving with intentions, in communicating, in be present in all the spaces I choose to occupy.

4. Three traits my future self will have are: self-confidence in my mind, body, soul, and how I carry myself in this world. Laser sharp focus in everything that I do. Courage to push through and speak up even when I am afraid.

5. The person I’m becoming will experience more happiness, alignment of who I am outside with who I am internally, with what I like and dislike, choosing to always be honest and genuine.

6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I show up and be present. When I push through and speak up. To always remember my value in every space. To try without fear of failing.

7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel honest, thankful, excited to be living the life that I want and have curated it to be what I love, with the partner, home, wealth, health, friends and family of my dreams.

Day 111 of Journaling

Day 96 of Journaling

1. My daily affirmation: I am not in control of how others think, feel and do – and that is okay. I release the need to be. I am, however in control of how I think, feel, and act. I control the proximity to what doesn’t align with my values, and my mental health. I let go of past mindsets that allowed me to be complacent. I do not fear change. I try even when I’m afraid. It’s okay to do things afraid. Do it anyway. I focus on moving with intentions and communicate that the best way I can.

2. Today I will focus on shifting my pattern of needing to be perfect. Procrastinating when I think I can’t be perfect at something. It’s okay to take smaller steps. Progress whether perfect or not is still progress.

3. I am grateful for an endless creative and inspired mind, with the right people and an environment that directly supports my growth. I’m thankful to be surrounded by love and kindness in every way possible – abundance from my partner, my friends, my work mates, my family, and even strangers on the street. Abundance is everywhere I look and every space that I choose to occupy.

4. Three traits my future self will have are: Self-confidence in my mind, body, and soul. Honesty in how I carry myself and learn about my environment and others. Discipline and focus even on days when it is hard to do so.

5. The person I’m becoming will experience more: Happiness in the environment I have created for myself, honesty in how I live my life, razor sharp focus on the things that are important to me and my growth even when it gets tough.

6. I have the opportunity to be my future self today when I show up and be present in the spaces I occupy. Pushing myself to ask questions even when I’m afraid. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone even when it gets tough. Letting go of ego and putting myself in the position to learn instead.

7. When I think about the person I am becoming, I feel thankful for the abundance in my life, grateful to be able to have everything I have, excited for all the abundance that is coming.

Day 96 of Journaling